I like my topic because it goes good with it and its not boring. The game keeps the player happy not bored to death and want to just quit the game and find another. I don't just like the game i'm hoping others will like the game and vote it for the best. I will try to make it fun and not boring. I hope this game will get voted for and not be boring. This is why I like the topic to my game.
My game idea is about making a game about war and trying to save your country from being captured. The game will have soldiers shooting at you with cannons, you have to find a treaty to stop the war. To save your country there will be alot of papers but one is the real one. If you choose the wrong one your army or troop will lose the war and your country will be endangered. I want the game to go smooth as I visioned it would go. What really excites me is that I get to do this on my own, yes its hard but i'm trying. Another reason why is that I get to try different things and thats how my game will go.